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Perdono (English Version)

For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
I still believe in me and you, my friends are all
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
Look at the joy I'm feeling with my heartbeat
I'm trying to find a way to tell you that I'm crazy
If you don't understand what you mean to me
I know I hurt you, so honey I'm here
To let you know I love you so
To let you know that I don't want
To live every single day here alone
I wanna see you dancing, smiling next to me
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
I still believe in me and you, my friends are all
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
I told you I was right, but I was wrong
Now I dedicate to you my song
'cause if I live without you I'm not strong
I'm your hidden sun and you're my moon
So let me shine, just that you know
Believe it's you who I adore
With all your contradictions and defects
I still want your sweet caresses
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
I still believe in me and you, my friends are all
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
Here it's cold like at Christmas Time
Here it's darker without your smile
All my deeper dreams here are dying
Mars and Venus, here, I'm just crying
Take my glow and give me your moonlight
What I can I do? Huh, I don't know
Please come back I swear that it will last
We'll be dancing flying in space!
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship
I still believe in me and you, my friends are all
For everything I've done you have to know I'm so sorry
Just give me another chance
I'm gonna give you a rose
I continue dreaming of our everlasting friendship

Juni '84

jasnije uslove i manje seksa
da me zovete češće
da mi kažete malo da verujete u mene
Ne pitam puno, ali sigurno
da znam zašto ste izabrali čistu rez
Voleo bih
da se svako malo čujemo
Zaista želim da znam kako si
Zaboravivši na ostalo
Do pre neki dan kad si me ostavio na miru
Da se ​​vratiš kući doneo bi mi poklon
I ja sam se tešio i bilo ti je malo bolje
Krio sam moju potrebu u toj poklon
I sad se kajem, kajem se
I sanjam da će biti
Malo lepše, lepše
Za mene
I ako se setim vašeg izgleda
iz juna '84
Žalim uvek zbog tebe
Bio sam
inteligentna u tajnosti
mojih crteža i tvoijh radija
oglašeni u televizoru
Dok je radost bila na delu
nadam se
Zaboravivši kakav sam bio
Ostavljajući iza sebe ono što je crno
Da maskiramo nesreću
Uvek maskiran u moju ljubav
Do pre neki dan kad sam bio sam
Zora je bila neprijatelj
Moja sofa je svemirski brod
Sa celim svetom sam igrao odbojku
Da se ne bi ti smetam da idem polako
I izgleda, pogrešne korake
Portreti, Nove godine
Srećan kao bilo ko
U julu '91
Hvala ti
Refren x2
To ćete uvek biti ti ...

Сâмо време

Стављам на тежак тест чак и убеђеног прагматичара
Фиксира погледом свет и губи много времена, као ја
Доказ догађаја које негираш
Фаворизује проток времена
И хабање које га прожима
Зависност од домена мога времена
Мајка моје жудње
Да предвидим сâмо време
Бол који се свакодневно мења
Расте у складу са курсом свога времена
Пропорције директне или обрнуте
Веза између времена и изгубљених радости
И љубав која се свакодневно мења
Расте у складу са курсом свога времена
Вечите сумње у директну повезаност
Између веза и самог времена
Стављам на тежак тест чак и убеђеног прагматичара
Фиксира погледом свет и губи много времена, као ја
Беше мој пријатељ, саучесник у животним сумњама
Време омаловажава и скрива сваки неуспех
Бол који се свакодневно мења
Расте у складу са курсом свога времена
Пропорције директне или обрнуте
Веза између времена и изгубљених радости
И љубав која се свакодневно мења
Расте у складу са курсом свога времена
Вечите сумње у директну повезаност
Између веза и самог времена
Милост украдена мојим мислима
Време које ће открити мој дух јучерашњице
Не умем га убедити да остане
Док мењам неке ствари...и грешим
Грешим и мењам, мењам и грешим
Грешим и мењам...
Бол који се свакодневно мења
Расте у складу са курсом свога времена
Пропорције директне или обрнуте
Веза између времена и изгубљених радости
И љубав која се свакодневно мења
Расте у складу са курсом свога времена
Вечите сумње у директну повезаност
Између веза и самог времена

It Rains

It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
Have you seen it's raining? Hear it coming down.
You said it wasn't raining anymore.
That you would never be in love ever again,
and look at you now, you're all soaked.
And it rains! God, how it rains
over your head and the air is refreshed.
And it will rain until the soil is not full again
and then it'll subside.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
Hear the drops hitting the roof.
Hear the sound turning you over the bed.
Uh, it will rain again, it's raining already.
Hear that it's raining and the grain will ripen.
And you grow bigger and become stronger
and those leaves that you thought were dead
uh, they restack the branches one more time.
It's the spring knocking on your door.
And it rains! God, how it rains
before the sun comes back to party.
Uh, hear it, hear how it rains.
Hear the drops hitting your head.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
Wasn't it you who already felt subsided
and said you would never be in love again?
The soil sometimes feeds on tears
and then you'll see, the rain will come back.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.
It rains! Hear how it rains.
God, how it rains!
Hear it coming down.

To Lose Love

And now leave.
I want to be alone
with my melancholy,
to fly up in her sky.
I never asked who you were.
Why you chose me,
me who until yesterday
believed himself to be a king.
To lose love
when night falls,
when amidst the hair
some silver colours it.
You risk going crazy.
It can explode your heart,
to lose a woman
and make you want to die.
Let me scream! Swear towards the heavens!
Bombard with stones all the dreams that are still flying!
I'll make them fall one by one.
I'll cut off the wings of fate
and I'll have you here.
Anyways, I understand you
and I admit I made mistakes.
I made your choices.
Who knows what I pretended.
And now what is left
of all the time spent together?
A man too alone
who still loves you much.
To lose love
when night falls,
when on your face
there's a wrinkle that wasn't there.
You try to reason.
You act indifferently
until you remember
you've been entirely useless!
And you'd like to shout! To suffocate the heavens!
To lash your head a thousand times against the wall!
To strongly breathe in her pillow.
To say, 'It's all the fault of fate
if I don't have you here'.
To lose love, bloody night!
And you pick up the pieces of an imaginary life1
You think tomorrow is a new day,
but you repeat, 'I wasn't expecting that'.
I wasn't expecting that!
To bombard with stones all the dreams that are still flying!
I'll make them fall one by one.
I'll cut off the wings of fate
and I'll have you here!
To lose love!

I'll Die Out of Love

Wind in my hair and my eyes towards the sun,
and demands all alert inside my heart.
I trusted my thoughts to the air
and the words, your words, I need them.
The shouted words,
then by the echo repeated, they sing.
I'll die out of love, I'll die for you!
Your smile, the joy, I need them so much,
the words whispered, hushed and then shouted.
Your words for me.
I'll die out of love, I'll die for you.
Hear the wind against the bannisters.
With you near, I spend my nights.
And the words, your words brush against me.
Those words that you know how to tell me.
When I want to leave, they win.
I'll die out of love, I'll die for you!
I close my eyes halfway and your hands caress me.
Those words shouted and they by the echo resent
and which from heaven sing,
'I'll die out of love, I'll die for you!'

At Least You in the Universe

You know, people are weird.
First they hate each other, then they love each other.
They change their mind all of a sudden.
First the truth and then he'll lie
with no seriousness, as if it was nothing.
You know, people are crazy.
Perhaps they're too unsatisfied.
They follow the world blindly.
When a trend changes, even they change
continuously, stupidly.
You, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You're a dot that never rolls around me.
A sun that shines only for me
like a diamond in the middle of the heart.
Oh, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You'll never change, tell me
that you'll always be honest
and that you'll love me for real more and more and more!
You know, people are lonely.
They console themselves the way they can
so as to avoid my mind
getting lost in conjectures, in fears
uselessly and then for nothing.
You, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You're a dot that never rolls around me.
A sun that shines only for me
like a diamond in the middle of the heart.
Oh, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You'll never change, tell me
that you'll always be honest
and that you'll love me for real more and more and more!
You'll never change, tell me
that you'll always be honest
and that you'll love me for real, truly for real!

Усликаћу те

Свакако ћу се сећати, иако ти то не би желела
Оженићу те јер ти никада нисам рекао
Како је ужасно тражити те, наћи те одмах затим
И у страху да те губим - усликаћу те
Усликаћу те
Свакако ћу се сећати, а знам да то не би желела
Зваћу те јер се никако не јављаш
Како је смешно сада сматрати те само игром
И схватајући да сам те изгубио, сликам те поново
Зато што, малена, могла би напустити моје руке
И дани, с почетка далеки, постаће године
И ти ћеш заборавити на мене
Када киша пада куће и обриси те се сећају
И биће прелепо
Јер са тобом су и радост и бол истог укуса
Желео бих једино сада да ова ноћ брзо прође
И да се све оно што имаш од мене изненада не врати
И желим љубав и сву пажњу коју умеш подарити
И желим равнодушност ако би икада пожелела да ме повредиш
И препознајем твој поглед у некој пролазници
Па опет имајући те овде, осећао бих те удаљеном
Шта би могло значити када се осећаш малим
Када си највећи од свих снова, највећа ноћна мора
Ми смо деца различитих светова, једно једино сећање
Које уништава и ствара, несвесно, једну исту причу
И ти ћеш заборавити на мене
Када киша пада куће и обриси те се сећају
И биће прелепо
Јер са тобом су и радост и бол истог укуса
Желео бих једино сада да ова ноћ брзо прође
И да се све оно што имаш од мене изненада не врати
И желим љубав и сву пажњу коју умеш подарити
И желим равнодушност ако би икада пожелела да ме повредиш
Сећање више није довољно
Сада желим твој повратак
И биће прелепо
Јер су и радост и бол истог укуса
Истог укуса са тобом
Желео бих једино сада да ова ноћ брзо прође
И да се све оно што имаш од мене изненада не врати
И желим љубав и сву пажњу коју умеш подарити
И желим равнодушност ако би икада пожелела да ме повредиш
И желим равнодушност ако би икада пожелела да ме повредиш

And I Come To Look for You

And I come to look for you
even if it's only to see you or talk to you
because I need your presence
to better understand my essence.
This popular feeling
is born out of divine mechanics.
A mystical and sensual fascination
imprisons me to you.
I should change the object of my desires.
Not settle for small quotidian joys.
Act as a hermit who renounces to himself.
And I come to look for you
with the excuse that I should talk to you
because I like the way you think and what you say.
Because I see my roots in you.
This century already at its end,
full of parasites with no dignity,
it only drives me to become better
with more will.
To emancipate myself from the nightmare of passions.
To look for the One above all good and evil.
To be a divine image of this reality.
And I come to look for you
because I'm alright with you.
Because I need your presence.


And something remains
between the clear pages and the dark ones,
and I erase your name from my façade.
And I confuse my excuses with your motives.
My excuses with your motives.
Whoever read the cards to me, called me a winner.
But a gipsy is a ploy and an intrusive future.
If I had been a bit younger,
I would have destroyed it with a fantasy.
I would have ripped it up with a fantasy.
Now you can send your lips to a new address
and overlap my face with that of someone else.
I still have your four aces, mind you, all from one colour.
You can hide them or play them as you like,
or make them stay good friends like us.
A sacred will to live and you a sweet mascara goddess
like when it rained outside and you asked me
if by any chance I still had that picture
in which you smiled and didn't look at me.
And the wind blowed
over the neck of your coat and over yourself.
And when I, without understanding it, said, 'Yes',
you said, 'It's all you have from me'.
It's all I have from you.
Now you can send your lips to a new address
and overlap my face with that of someone else.
I still have your four aces, mind you, all from one colour.
You can hide them or play them as you like,
or make them stay good friends like us.

Air of Life

I've cried a bit
and a bit I've said, 'No'.
In a while... I don't know.
I've even laughed a bit
and so have you a bit.
Air of life
that kills me every so often
but then consoles me.
It takes me by hand
and it tortures me later.
It messes with you.
And you think, 'What a shitty world'.
I always reply, 'Good'
to your 'How are you?',
but then, but then why?
I don't want to but I'm an accomplice.
Air of life
that kills me every so often
but then consoles me.
It takes me by hand
and it tortures me later.
It messes with you.
And you think, 'What a shitty world'.
Air of life
that kills me every so often
but then consoles me.
It takes me by hand
and it tortures me later.
It messes with you.
And you think, 'What a shitty world'.
And you think, 'What a world...'

My Grandma

You've wanted to put everything and inside the bank, you've now put
jealousy, my head, patience and will.
You taking advantage of my weak points works.
In the end, even the most loyal one won't be able to stand you.
With you, I talk, fail - and if I hush, fail,
and if I sing, I fail - and I fail everything.
You've taken up inside my whole heart
and you haven't left even a corner for the others.
Now I move with a red light.
If I want to, I get wet
without you yelling at me, 'You fail at everything!'
An imprisoned look that I had yesterday.
A heart that ties those who don't trust.
My grandma says,
'He who seeks finds, and if he doesn't find,
he searches with not break and will fall in the end.
What's good is good, there are always better ones
and if you defy luck, you lose'.
He who seeks finds, and if he doesn't find,
he searches with not break and will fall in the end.
What's good is good, there are always better ones
and if you defy luck, you lose.
You lose.
You lose.
You lose.
No, you lose.
You lose.
You lose.
You've exhausted even my last drop of patience
and today you've tested my goodwill
which, love, until yesterday it was immense, I swear,
and it burned because of your unhealthy possessiveness.
With you, I laugh, I fail - and if I dream, fail.
And if I run, fail - and I fail at everything.
When I wake up my glance is for you.
Everyone else's glances all just for you.
Warring heart of an honest man
who's regretted everything he had been.
My grandma says,
'He who seeks finds, and if he doesn't find,
he searches with not break and will fall in the end.
What's good is good, there are always better ones
and if you defy luck, you lose'.
He who seeks finds, and if he doesn't find,
he searches with not break and will fall in the end.
What's good is good, there are always better ones
and if you defy luck, you lose.
You lose.
You lose.
You lose.
No, you lose.
You lose, no.
You speak too low but I hear you.
I'm on the train and I see the snow pass me by.
I look at you, I greet you but forgetting you seems odd.
I whisper to you that I'm tired and for you to leave.
I know instinct doesn't fail.
No, instinct doesn't fail.
My grandma says,
'He who seeks finds, and if he doesn't find,
he searches with not break and will fall in the end.
What's good is good, there are always better ones
and if you defy luck, you lose'.
He who seeks finds, and if he doesn't find,
he searches with not break and will fall in the end.
What's good is good, there are always better ones
and if you defy luck, you lose.

African Tarantula

I'm the African tarantula.
I smile thinking badly
inside my plexiglass cage.
I'll defend you from myself... and from my poison.
They say that, while free, I killed you by watching you.
But you pay for your ticket to watch me
and you may want me dead or love me.
You'll see as much as you want
while squeezing your father's hand.
Go, go, go.
Go, go, go.
What will happen later if
my soul is thirsty and,
and, and outside you're having fun but no one wonders
how easy it is to think of the sun
as a distraction.
And while maturing my pain,
I become an attraction,
trapped by some little attention,
order or choice.
I repeat myself with conviction
that life here would have been better.
But no, the best one doesn't resist.
How beautiful, how sad it is
to forget that pain exists,
that pain exists.
You're an extremely beautiful butterfly.
You smile watching everything.
Maybe no one will ever observe you
but this counts less now... much less.
They say it's stupid to give oneself away to another tree and,
and lie down between branches and a hundred leaves.
You don't know anymore whether to keep going or to be happy.
You'll see as much as you want
while squeezing your father's hand.
Go, go, go.
Go, go, go.
What will happen later if
my soul is thirsty and,
and, and outside you're having fun but no one wonders
how easy it is to think of the sun
as a distraction.
And while maturing my pain,
I become an attraction,
trapped by some little attention,
order or choice.
I repeat myself with conviction
that life here would have been better.
But no, the best one doesn't resist.
How beautiful, how sad it is
to forget that pain exists,
that pain exists.
But you pay for your ticket to watch me
and you may want me dead or love me.
You'll see as much as you want
while squeezing your father's hand!
while Squeezing your father's hand.

The Comfort

And if the city doesn't sleep
then that makes two of us.
For you to not escape,
I closed the door and gave you the key.
Now I'm sure
of the difference between proximity and nearness.
the way in which you move,
in which you face this desert of mine.
Is it that it's raining in July?
That the world has exploded in tears?
Is it that you don't leave home or that your smiles have ended?
To squeeze the heart with both hands, one needs courage
and blindfolded eyes
towards a sky turning on its back,
patience, our house, the contact, your comfort,
the one that's got to do with me.
It's something that's
got to do with me.
And if this city is confusing,
then that makes two of us.
For me to not escape,
I closed my eyes
and gave you the key.
Now I'm sure
of the difference between distance and remoteness.
Is it that it's raining in July?
That the world has exploded in tears?
Is it that you don't leave home or that your smiles have ended?
To squeeze the heart with both hands, one needs courage
and blindfolded eyes
towards a sky turning on its back,
patience, our house, the contact, your comfort,
the one that's got to do with me.
It's something that's
got to do with me.
Is it the rain in summer
or God looking at us from up above?
Is it that you don't leave home?
That you're tired of panting so much?
One needs courage and as much hope as one's hands may cup.
That comfort that has to do with me.
That comfort that has to do with me.
To squeeze the heart with both hands, one needs courage
and everything, everything and so much, so much, too much love.

I Tell You 'Goodbye!'

Perhaps there is a place, a site hidden in the distance
of life and its irony
where it will rest, the love used by no one and that wrote no story,
the one no one will talk about.
Your smile releases a star - actually, tonight
that would do me a lot of good.
And happiness will be useless, fantasy will be useless,
only the time consumed will remain.
It will float in the wind, a tear that will go back to you.
And I tell you, 'Goodbye!, Bye!'
Goodbye to the memory in which I kept years of happiness.
They look at me facing life
as if it was here.
Perhaps one day the universe will give me a surprise
and will take me to you.
The world in which I live and the one you're in are not different
even though I don't want to see it.
And I travel the world and I'll scream your name through millennia and the wait
suffocates me even more.
I see the pain defeating me, the solitude drowning me,
your aroma slowly, slowly escaping.
It will float in the wind, a tear that will go back to you.
And I tell you, 'Goodbye!, Bye!'
Goodbye to the memory in which I kept years of happiness.
I admire those who never regret
the wars they lost
I lack peace inside my chest.
I know I can't do everything
because without you life is not enough.
If I stop before that door
and if I dare to cross it,
I'll understand that I'll be gone myself as well.
And I'll go back to you.
And I tell you, 'Goodbye!, Bye!'
You were the miracle that
came down from Heaven to love me this way.
And the memories fall, the whole universe falls
and I'm still here.
Life as you remember it now left with you one day.

The sky - the eyes

This Song is named The sky
The sky could be Dark, it could be light.
The sky has a thousend of colors
That shine up above
The sky colours the life
Peace from all the world
The sky, i wanted it to be water that flyes in the sky
Up above, sky Up above, sky Up above.
That other song is named The eyes.
The eyes you have
Always look at me,
I don't know what to do
But your blue eyes
Your blue eyes, Yes, blue
The eyelashes that shine upon your eyes
That watch me too
I don't understand why
What do you have? You have to tell me
Please, don't watch me like that
As of someone had killed
Your best friend
I didn't want that to be true, you know
But i want to know why you watch me
With those bad eyes
It seems a message said from far
Said in telepathy
Your eyes, what a beauty
It has a fantasy, or a crazyness
But you have to leave me there, please
Don't watch the others
Only me, why why
I don't know why you watch me
But not the others, why
Maybe you're in love, with me
But i don't think so because
You're engaged
Your eyes watch me
But i don't know why
Your eyes watch me
But i don't know why they watch me
A bad expression, never seen

Love is easy

I have a secret
Everybody has one inside
Everybody has chosen it or choken it
Everybody wants it and suffers
Everybody keeps something deep inside
Can you also feel it?
(Can you feel) that it wants to break out, forever towards the light?
And here it is again
Summer is back again
It seemed so far away
It is summer again, all streets are accessible
And they uncover what was hidden under the snow
I will come and get you with my own hands
And I will be the one you didn‘t expect
I will be the wind that you carry inside
And the destiny that no-one has chosen
And then
Love is a simple thing and now I will prove it to you!
This is me
in the moment I decided
that I can make you laugh, but never randomly
It is me that comes back and leaves again
Here I am at home
I walk around the streets as if I had never left
I walk on bridges through time, back to the place where I grew up
as if I had gone at that stage and left you alone
so that you would find me and we would be together
united in our love
I will come and get you with my own hands
And I will be the one you didn‘t expect
I will be the wind that you carry inside
And the destiny that no-one has chosen
And then
Love is a simple thing and now I will prove it to you!
My love take my hands again and again
like the ones that leave and don‘t know if they’ll come back again
Remember, you are better than any sad day, (better than) bitterness, tears, war against sadness
You are my heaven
Yes, you are my heaven

Još malo ću da nestanem

Onom kome je verovao da je ljubav
Uzimanje i bežanje
Onom kome će još da poveruje
Onom kome je verovao da dopustiti
Znači biti jak, kažem ne, uopšte ne
Zato što onaj koji beži neće
Nizašta biti pravi pobednik
Pobedjuje samo onaj koji se ne krije
Prikrivati svoju ljubav može
Samo da boli, znači
To se nikad ne sme čininiti
Šta je sad u modi ja ne znam
Do prekojuče se pratio instinkt
Šta će od nas ostati ja ne znam
Znam samo da za tebe neću biti ist
Možda, a možda i ne
Jako oprezan ili rasejan
Jesi li se ikad zapitao zašto je ponekad
Lakše povrediti [se] nego dati poljubac
Koji je razlog ne znam
Još malo ću da nestanem
Još malo ću da nestanem
Onom ko se zabavljao grupno
I drao mi se 'gadiš mi se'
I sad verujem da neće više da se smeje
Onom ko veruje da je jak zato što
Je bio u stanju da povredi, kažem
Ne, uopšte ne
Onom kome produžava da se povredjuje, ne
Voleći sebe dovoljno kao tebe
Ali možda kao i mene
Gledam u oči [i vidim] najgoreg neprijatelja
I ne dopuštam da me povede omraza
Jedan gledam uvek napred i ne predajem se
Dva ako kažem 'ti si top' lažem
Možda, a možda i ne...
I ako bol prevlada imaće više značaja
Ovo hteti da nestanem i ono što mislim
Šta znači reći ono zbogom kojeg sam prikrivao
Samo potrebu od onog ko te nije zaboravio
A ja...
Još malo ću da nestanem
Možda, a možda i ne

Defend me forever

I don't want to stay anymore
I don't want to ruin anymore
the good and clear light that my eyes had
And I want to give everything away
And don't look back anymore
Because every time I did it, time wounded me
And I don't remember the people anymore
And I don't remember the persons but
I remember what distinguish them when they give love
And I bring with me the whole world
That I closed in my head
to recognise in the mirror what remains of me
Talk to me,
did you remember me?
Think about it...
We met in our dreams!
Defend me forever, my love, at least you
in these dying lies corners of the world
And the pain remains
And my life remains
Defend me forever in this stormy world
in which love is the only shout of protest of we men
I'm able not to give up
If you are here to defend me
And it's not a revolution
And it's not called depression
It's not mania of being too big or too handsome
For whom is able to respect the time
And prefer to feel bad
That need no drugs and is able to speak
Recognise yourself in the mirror seems indifferent to many people
I recognise dignity to whom is able to feel sometimes nothing
I told you: >
Defend me forever, my love, at least you
in these dying lies corners of the world
And the pain remains
And my life remains
Defend me forever in this stormy world
in which love is the only shout of protest of we men
I'm able not to give up
If you are here to defend me
Yet now, my love,
If you understood me
Our stories and their compromises cross
If you even understood me, or didn't understand anything, keep on going, you,
defend me forever.
Defend me forever.
Defend me forever.
Defend me forever, my love, at least you
in these dying lies corners of the world
And the pain remains
And my life remains
Defend me forever in this stormy world
in which love is the only shout of protest of we men
I'm able not to give up
If you are here to defend me
I'm able not to give up
If you are here to defend me

Nemam strah (Ne bojim se)

Ne bojim se
Ako treba da odem
Jer nemam strah od umiranja
Ne plači više
Ne plači, ljubavi
Jer ti obećavam da ću se vratiti
Ja sam vojnik
Puška na srcu
I odlazim da tražim
Strah koji nemam
Pevanje odlazi
I ostaješ samo ti
Rizikovaću život i voleti ga još više
Pevanje odlazi
Ostaješ samo ti
Rizikovaću život da bih ga živeo više
Ne bojm se
Ali sam se promenio
Budim se u znoju
Znam i zbog čega
Jedne noći vojnik je umro u krevetu
I pozdravio me je
Zauvek tako
Pevanje odlazi
Život u meni
Kakva sam budala bio
Voleo sam ga bez 'ako'
Pevanje odlazi
Život odlazi
Gledam ga i on odlazi...
Ne bojim se
Ali ne živim više
Ne smejem se, ne plačem, ne mislim na tebe više
Pevanje odlazi
Život iz mene takođe
Jer sam ga izdao
Kao što sam izdao tebe
Pevanje odlazi
Život odlazi
Gledam ga i on odlazi
Pevanje odlazi...